Doctors Information


How much do the tests costs?

Carbohydrate Hydrogen Breath Tests


Melbourne Breath Test performs Lactulose, Fructose, Lactose, Sorbitol and Glucose testing. The cost for each test is $70.00 ( Pensioner/Health Care Card $65.00 ). 

As a quality measure we always perform a lactulose test first.

Please note there is NO Medicare Rebate for these tests.

Helicobacter Pylori Test

Testing for Helicobacter Pylori must be referred by a General Practitioner or a Medical Specialist and is covered by Medicare and there is no out of pocket fee for the patient.


Ordering the tests


Please use the downloadable referral form for both Carbohydrate breath testing or Helicobacter Pylori testing.

The referral is double sided and includes instructions for the patient on the back of the referral.

The patient needs to call us to make a booking on 03 9704 4744


Fact Sheets

Breath testing manual - is available for purchase, call us to enquire or send an email.

Hydrogen Breath Testing

Helicobacter Pylori
