+ What is Helicobacter Pylori?

Helicobacter Pylori is an organism which can cause chronic gastritis, non-NSAID induced gastric and duodenal ulcers and is associated with gastric adenocarcinomas and some gastric lymphomas .

This bacterium can affect anybody, though it is more prevalent in developing countries.

Once treated and eradicated, re-infection rates are very low estimated at less than 2% per year. (An Australian study found it to be as low as 0.5% per year)

+ How is the test done?

The infection can be detected by a simple Urea breath test. Melbourne Breath test uses the Heliprobe Sytem

When undertaking the test, you will be asked to swallow a HeliCap capsule containing crystals of urea (exposed to stable Carbon 14 Isotope for detection).

The Heliprobe analyser is designed to detect these minute levels of radiation and indicates Helicobacter pylori colonisation.

The accuracy of the Heliprobe is estimated at 99.9% but may be influenced by recent consumption of antibiotic therapy. The simplicity and immediacy (tests are available within 10 minutes) of this test makes it a compelling diagnostic tool.

+ Alternatives to this test

Biopsies of the gastric antrum taken during gastroscopy is a more standard method for detection during endoscopy, but the accuracy of this technique does rely on Helicobacter pylori being present in the region of the biopsy and in significant numbers.

This is the least invasive method of testing.

+ Treatment Options

Treatment options will need to be investigated by your doctor or health practitioner.

+ Costs

This test is covered by Medicare . No out of pocket expense is incurred.

A referral is required by a General Practitioner or a Medical Specialist.