+ What's Involved?

Hydrogen Breath testing measures the amount of hydrogen your body produces after consumption of a standard amount of a specific carbohydrate.

If your body absorbs this without producing a large amount of hydrogen and no abnormal symptoms are observed, it is likely that you have digested the sugars and are not intolerant.

Test requires an exclusion diet (the day before your test) and fast from 9pm the night before test. (this means nothing to eat or drink except plain water)

It usually takes 2-3 hours, you will need to blow into a simple gas analyser (gastrolyser) at 20 minute intervals. The exhaled gas levels are recorded.

Results are reviewed by specialised staff and a gastroenterologist before being sent to you or your doctor.

Please note: A 2-3 day gap is required between tests.

Diabetic patients need to contact the centre prior to discuss glycaemic control.

A referral is not required for the tests as there is no Medicare rebate for the tests.

You may prefer to take the results back to your GP to seek further explanation.

+ Why should I test for Hydrogen?

The test identifies specific carbohydrates that are not fully digested by your body and may help in the investigation of:

  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhoea

The diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may be due to undiagnosed carbohydrate malabsorption.

+ Costs

The tests are not covered by Medicare, so you will need to pay the full cost of the test.

Check with your private health insurer to see if you are eligible for a rebate.

The cost per test is $ 70. Lactulose is performed as a recommended first test. This serves as a quality measure to ensure that you are producing hydrogen and also acts as a screen for SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).