+ What is Hydrogen Breath Testing?

Hydrogen Carbohydrate Breath testing is a painless, non-invasive test used to diagnose abnormalities in the digestion of dietary sugars.

The test requires the patient to breath into a hand held analyser called a Gastrolyzer over a period of 1-3 hours (at 15-20 minute intervals) depending upon the test.

The Gastrolyzer accurately measures Hydrogen levels.

Hydrogen is only present in the breath post fermentation by bacteria in the intestine.

The most common sugars that are abnormally digested are:

Lactulose: Used to check for H2 production, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and oral/caecal transit time (recommended first test)

Lactose: The sugar in milk which leads to lactose intolerance

Fructose: Commonly found in wheat and fruit, which leads to fructose malabsorption

Sorbitol: Found in sweets, diabetic products, chewing gum, honey and fruits

Glucose: Test for SIBO

The malabsorption or intolerance of these sugars may cause abdominal pain, abdominal bloating and distension, flatulence (passing gas in large amounts), and diarrhoea. Hydrogen Carbohydrate Breath testing is a painless, non-invasive test used to diagnose abnormalities in the digestion of dietary sugars.

The test requires the patient to breath into a hand held analyser called a Gastrolyzer over a period of 1-3 hours (at 15-20 minute intervals) depending upon the test.

The Gastrolyzer accurately measures Hydrogen levels.

Hydrogen is only present in the breath post fermentation by bacteria in the intestine.

The most common sugars that are abnormally digested are:

Lactulose: Used to check for H2 production, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and oral/caecal transit time

Lactose: The sugar in milk which leads to lactose intolerance

Fructose: Commonly found in wheat and fruit, which leads to fructose malabsorption

Sorbitol: Found in sweets, diabetic products, chewing gum, honey and fruits

Glucose: Test for SIBO

The malabsorption or intolerance of these sugars may cause abdominal pain, abdominal bloating and distension, flatulence (passing gas in large amounts), and diarrhoea.

+ What is the cost of Carbohydrate Breath Test

Separate tests are require for each carbohydrate. Melbourne Breath Test performs the test for the most common sugars that are abnormally digested - Lactulose, Fructose, Lactose, Sorbitol and Glucose.

Each test is performed on a different day. As a quality measure we always perform a lactulose test first.

The cost of each individual test is $70.00 (Pensioner/Health Care Card $65.00).

Please note Medicare does not cover the cost of these tests. Check with your private health insurer about rebates.

+ What is Helicobacter Pylori?

Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterium that can cause gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and potentially contribute to gastric malignancy. Approximately 20% of Australians are colonised by this germ. The incidence is higher in migrants from developing countries.

A Breath Test is available which determines the presence of this bacteria which can be treated and eradicated. Re-infection rates once eradication is achieved are low.

+ What is the cost of a Helicobacter Pylori Test?

The test is fully covered by Medicare. There is no out of pocket fee as long as you get a referral from your General Practitioner or medical specialist.

+ What is the preparation required for a Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test?

You will need to follow some instructions prior to the tests. If you would like to download the instructions onto your computer and print them click here.

Be aware that the Heliprobe test contains a trace amount of 14C Labelled Urea which has no reported side effects and has TGA approval for use in Australia.

Please note you require a referral from your GP or Specialist prior to the test. The test is covered by Medicare.


  • Fast for 5-6 hours prior to the test.
  • No antibiotics for 4 weeks prior to the test
  • No acid reducing treatments such as Proton Pump Inhibitors for e.g : Losec, Somac, Pariet, Nexium, Zoton for at least 1 week prior to the test.
  • No H2 Antagonists eg: Zantac, Tazac 1 day before test Children under 10, pregnant women or women who are breast feeding should be excluded from having the test

+ Where can I have the tests?

We have a number of centres at various locations. Currently tests are performed at:

  • Berwick
  • Mulgrave
  • Pakenham
  • Cranbourne To book call 9704 4744 or email.

+ Do I need a doctor to order the tests?

You do not need a referral from your GP or Specialist for the Hydrogen Carbohydrate Breath Tests (Lactulose, Lactose, Glucose, Sorbitol and Fructose). However, you do need a referral from your GP or Specialist for Helicobacter Pylori testing to claim the Medicare rebate.

Although the Hydrogen Carbohydrate Breath Tests do not attract a Medicare rebate, your doctor may recommend that you get tested to help in the diagnosis of a problem.

You may also prefer to use your doctor to help interpret the results.